Samsung Galaxy Prevail LTE Cell Phones & Smartphones

Samsung Galaxy Prevail LTE Cell Phones & Smartphones



Samsung Galaxy Prevail LTE
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Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


203 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by kammoeJanuary 05, 2016

    Better Than I Expected

    I bought this phone as a Christmas present for my nephew and I'm glad I made such a wise choice. This phone is a decent size, it's easy on the eyes and handles very nice. The battery life exceeded my expectations and it has lightening speed. My only complaint which is more of a suggestion, is to buy a phone case, not only to protect the phone but it's a little "slippy" in the hand so a case helps with grip. Other than that small detail which is an easy fix, I highly recommend this phone. Its Great for beginners and professionals alike.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by bat(man)November 03, 2015

    Good Cheap Phone

    If you want a smart phone, but don't have $600 to blow, this is a good substitute at around $80. This phone works well, holds a charge all day, has good sound quality and reception. There are more Android apps than I thought there were (I switched over from iPhone). The only issue I've had is the phone freezes (or stalls) every now and again. It seems to me more like a (lack of) memory problem. I found a solution online: just restart your phone every morning before you head out. It seems to be keeping the problem at bay.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by nicksqualityitemsDecember 17, 2015

    Best phone for the money

    I recently got a Galaxy Core Prime from Metro PCS when I signed up and loved it right away. The battery life was amazing, the features were new to me, and the feel was nice. I had previously had a ZTE through a "Lifeline" phone company and hated it, even though it was my first ever smartphone, so I was quick to fall in love with the Galaxy Core Prime. The fact that you can get one for well under $100 with no contract makes it an incredible deal.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by bastronomi-0August 28, 2018

    its cheap but does comes at a cost but you can fix it and its in good condition

    its very cheap smartphone for $20 but it does comes at a cost the screen is crack but everything else like the battery,and the function of the phone is in good condition all i need to do is buy a new screen,buy a SD card for more memory and a hard case so it wont break and its all good

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by usjenni.h96nlfxwMay 12, 2016

    Everything I Need....

    I love the size of the phone. I'm not a heavy web user so it suits me perfectly. Has excellent sound quality overall. I would definitely recommend this phone if all you need is a phone for basic use. If I don't use it excessively the battery last more than a day, which is important to me.

    Verified purchase:Yes