Los casos de Cartera de Cuero para iPhone 4s

Choosing Leather Wallet Cases for Your iPhone 4s

Leather wallet cases for the Apple iPhone 4s typically have the same structure, but there are differences from one to the next. The multitude of choices provides you with the ability to find a case that complements your smartphone and allows you to carry a functional accessory that you feel meets your needs. Learning more about what type of leather wallet cases are available for your iPhone may help you make an informed decision about which option suits you.

Are synthetic leather cases available for the iPhone 4s?

In addition to regular leather cases, synthetic cases are available for the iPhone. Depending on which particular product youre interested in, they may have the same or similar look and feel like real leather. Real leather is typically described as "genuine" or "real leather" while synthetic versions may state as such or are referred to as "faux leather."

Do leather wallet cases have a stand function?

Some, but not all, of the wallet cases for the iPhone 4s have a stand function. Often referred to as having a kickstand or being a stand cover or case, the stand gives you the ability to use your iPhone hands-free by allowing the device to stand on its own while you play music, watch TV shows, converse via speakerphone, and more. The description of the leather case will usually detail whether or not the particular case has the kickstand feature. Typically, if one is included, the pictures of the product will showcase how to use the kickstand properly.

How do leather wallet cases stay closed?

The most common way that leather wallet cases stay closed is through a magnetic closure. The magnetic closure is designed to stay shut as long as the iPhone is securely in place and the wallet section of the case isnt overstuffed with too many items that may prevent the magnets from adhering correctly.

What are some of the design features offered?
  • Colors: Some of the colors include light blue, pink, yellow, red, orange, purple, tan, brown, gray, black, white, and navy blue.
  • Plants: There are trees and flower designs.
  • Animal prints: There are leopard and zebra designs.
  • Animals: Owls, dogs, horses, cats, rabbits, and elephants are some of the animals featured on some of the leather wallet cases.
  • Insects: There are butterfly and ladybug designs.
  • Various other designs: Flags, horror-inspired designs, trees and flowers, jeweled designs, and religiously inspired designs are some of the other design features available.